Take 3 for the Sea Update

Hello 🙂 Do you remember the  Take 3 for the Sea Project? It has been several months since my family did the "Take 3 for the Sea Project" but we haven't stopped picking up rubbish. In the photo below you can see what we picked up in just a week! This included 41 plastic bottles, 97 plastic bags … Continue reading Take 3 for the Sea Update

Take 3 for the Sea Project Part 3

This final "Take 3 for the Sea" post is about how much rubbish we actually collected, if you like numbers you will like this post 🙂 After just 9 days of collecting rubbish this is what we found! Where did it all come from? A lot of people think the rubbish has washed up from … Continue reading Take 3 for the Sea Project Part 3

Take 3 for the Sea Part 2

This post is about what we collected in week 2 and week 3 of our Take 3 for the Sea Project, I have also listed some changes and similarities I noticed between the beginning and the end of the project. Some changes we have noticed between the beginning and the end: The plovers I mentioned in the Take 3 for the … Continue reading Take 3 for the Sea Part 2

Take 3 for the Sea project

Last week  my mum, my sister and I started a project called "Take 3 for the Sea" where we pick up a bag of rubbish each (3 bags in total), 3 times a week for 3 weeks. This project is to help the sea and its creatures  and also to "leave a place a little … Continue reading Take 3 for the Sea project